THEY improv provides recruiting mix and mingle events across the country. They get to know each other in a safe environment and you get the opportunity to see how they interact with others.

We have a wide variety of options to entertain your group. These include options that can get them talking to each other, talking to people from your company or talking to your executives.

These options, and others, such as DJs, musicians, dancers, and the like, can help to get people talking and feel welcome.

improv comedy

Improv Comedy

While we have improv comedy options for shows, we also have our Improv is Magic show with your people as the performers.

game shows

Game Shows

Our game shows can bring audience members up and get them interacting with one another. Our Getting to Know You game is focused on interaction.

murder mysteries

Murder Mysteries

We have Clue Parties that force everyone to talk to everyone else as they seek a criminal in their midst.

secret agent academy

Secret Agent Academy

A mix and mingle game designed to get people to talk to each other to find the mole in their midst. This gets people to know each other better and helps to assess their judgment.

personal bingo

Personal Bingo

With a little bit of research and questioning we create bingo cards using personal information of attendees.

If you would like to discuss the possibilities of a recruiting event and how we can help you to achieve success in your business without really trying, simply give us a call.

You can reach us at 866-219-4386 or by email at

To provide you with suitable information you will need to let us know the prospective size of your group, what city or cities that you are looking to have these events, if this will be around a meal, cocktails or more of a classroom setting, and when you are looking to have this event.

Again, simply call us and we will be happy to help you achieve your goals!

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