THEY improv provides recruiting event entertainment across the country to help companies find new employees, determine how well they fit in to your company, make the prospects feel appreciated and motivate them to say yes to the job opportunities that you have available.

We can provide generic programs to impress prospects or be more focused to aim at college students, employees from other companies, tech savvy individuals or any other category that you want us to develop.

Working with your HR team, we can help you to achieve your recruitment goals through enticing prospective employees to consider your offerings.

about us

About Us

Learn more about THEY improv and how we have been changing the field of recruiting new employees!

mix and mingles

Mix and Mingles

We have a variety of mixers allowing prospective employees to get to know each other and allow you to see their abilities to get along.

meet the bosses

Meet the Bosses

We can allow prospective employees to get to know the bosses of your organization to help with getting them to feel appreciated by the bosses.



We have a variety of entertainment options to help draw people to your event and to have them associate your company as an organization that treats employees well.

team building

Team Building

Getting a prospective employee is only one step in the process. We help your prospects to bond with your staff to help ensure that they will fit in with your team.


Contact Us

Contact us to discuss the options that can help you achieve the success you are looking for within your budget constraints.

THEY improv is proud to provide recruiting event entertainment across the country.

If you would like to discuss the possibilities of a recruiting event and how we can help you to achieve success in your business without really trying, simply give us a call.

You can reach us at 866-219-4386 or by email at

To provide you with suitable information you will need to let us know the prospective size of your group, what city or cities that you are looking to have these events, if this will be around a meal, cocktails or more of a classroom setting, and when you are looking to have this event.

Again, simply call us and we will be happy to help you achieve your goals!

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